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Showing posts from December, 2016

Controlling beer shrinkage with efficient beer flow meter technology

Liquor shrinkage has a direct impact on a bar or restaurant business’s bottom line. Perhaps you’re familiar with the sights like bartender tilting the glass to let excess foam spill into the tray or glasses being filled to rim with almost no head. If you are relying on your staff to control your liquid assets without verified controls you are pouring profits down the drain! The truth is, customers and your bartenders both want a free pour system with lots of over pouring and plenty of free drinks with as little management control as possible. You can stop this shrinkage before it becomes a profit loss!  What if you could accurately track every ounce of beer dispensed? The results will be fabulous and practically unbelievable. A good draft beer management system will make a considerable difference on your bottom line. There’s no denying fact that this will result in huge savings. The bottom line is that this system pays for itself in savings. BeerSaver, the world leader in draf