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Showing posts from October, 2017

Introduce A 12 Tap Draft Beer Tracking System

More and more beer joints are using innovative and useful beer tracking systems for reducing beer wastage and also to keep a track on beer volumes in the keg. One such useful system is the Draft beer tracking system. There has been a rise in popularity of craft beers in the recent years and many bars have already started to offer larger draft beer selection option to their customers. With such a wide range of options on offer a 12 tap systems can prove to be very useful and a better option than the traditional kegerator systems. The Space Issue Space is an issue with the beer joints as there are several kegs to be stored and stocked. The Kegerator can be helpful in managing the Beer inventory but managing the space issue is a bigger challenge. If you use a 12 tap system then this issue is solved as the kegs will be stored in a walk-in cooler room that is dedicated to accommodating 12 full-size kegs. This will not take up a lot of space outside and in addition,