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Showing posts from May, 2018

A Brief Overview Of The Electronic Beer Menu

The electronic or digital beer menus are seen in almost all beer pubs and restaurants due to its several inherent benefits. The digital beer menus are very efficient as you and your staff will be having more time to focus more on providing a superior experience to your customers. The digital beer menu will eliminate the need and time to design, ship and print new menus and even any new promotional materials for that matter. You will also eliminate the tedious process and need of updating your beer stock on a chalkboard list. Faster And Better Maintaining an Electronic beer menu is easy and will provide faster and better results. You will be able to change all of your menus at once and instantly. This system will prove to be cost effective as you will not have to spend lot of time and money in updating the changes in beer list or your menu. With a digital beer menu you can display the entire current draft lineup. This will also help in promoting specials and deals therefore e