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Showing posts from October, 2015

Foam On Beer Detector Devices Mitigate Beer Loss By Way Of Spraying

While your bar outlets do record a profit margin, they could probably show better results when you have better vigilance installed to monitor every drink that is poured out. After all, your bar inventory requires a substantial investment that does need proper maintenance concerning the pours and over pours. Technology comes in handy here too with the availability of cloud-based monitoring systems that you can install at your outlets. These devices will synchronize with your computerized system that will furnish you the complete inventory of the pours. Mitigate loss by spraying foam   Apart from the system regulated devices, there is also the Foam on beer detector device that will physically help in regulating the beer loss. These detectors stop foam from entering the beer line that allows the beer to be poured without the presence of any foam after you re-tap your empty keg. This will also eliminate any possibility of the bartender getting sprayed with beer while pouring from th

Smarter Bars with Foam Detector and Self Tap Technology

The hospitality industry has fast taken a shine to the innovations in technology sector. And if your beer business is still running on obsolete systems, it’s time to change. Every drop lost makes your unaccounted serving pool larger and the scale of losses bigger. Besides, customer satisfaction rests heavily on service quality that becomes significantly better with the right solutions. Bars deal with wastage problems on a daily basis. Most of them occur when too much beer is lost while re-tapping the kegs. Carbon dioxide enters beer lines and creates beer foam which makes clean delivery of drinks cumbersome. But you and your customers should no longer bear the costs of outdated beer delivery methods. The state-of-art foam on beer detector technology takes care of foaming troubles in lines conveniently. Once installed in the cooler room between the keg and the tap, the detector ensures clear delivery minus the foam. With this system, there is no need to drain the beer lines and m